teaching teens about financial planning for retirement

5 Tips to Make Tax Refunds Part of Your Financial Plan

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Is your tax refund part of your financial plan? If you’re not using this financial tool to its greatest advantage in improving your finances, here are five tips to make it work harder. 1. Prepare Your Taxes Early. Even though Americans are not generally required to file their personal income taxes until April 15 (or even later), you do well to schedule your tax preparation appointment as early as possible. This gives you plenty of time to plan before receiving that check or receiving a bill.…

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Financial Advisor: 3 Reasons You Might Need Their Help

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The ability to create wealth depends on your ability to make the right financial decisions. With proper financial management, it becomes easier to achieve short-term objectives such as debt reduction and long-term goals such as investments. However, making the right financial decisions can be mindboggling without the help of a financial consultant.  For that reason, it’s advisable to seek a financial advisor’s help to avoid making mistakes that affect your financial stability.…

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3 Ways A Financial Advisor Will Help Enhance The Growth Of Your Business

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Everyone starts a business expecting that it will expand and thrive even amid stiff competition. However, the success of any business depends on the plans and objectives the owner has. You may have some good business plans, but you may not realize most of them if you don’t find ways to implement them. Seeking help from an experienced financial advisor is one of the smartest ways to help your business thrive.…

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